Well, at least I have time to update the blog! Week 2 of school is down, and I think this semester is going to be pretty intense. Nothing I can't handle, though! In the madness of the beginning of school, I've managed to start a few of the tasks on The Mission.
First, I finished playing the New Super Mario Bros. Wii!!! It was a blast, as a matter of fact, my husband and I are going through and playing it again. Anyone needing new Wii games, this is a must for anyone who wants to feel a little nostalgic! Here are the end credits :D
I've managed to purchase a "Wreck This Journal" amidst purchasing my and my husband's million dollar textbooks. Methinks this is going to be annoyingly difficult for my Type-A personality to finish...but we'll see how it goes. For anyone who doesn't know what a "Wreck This Journal" is, read the story of how it came to be by the author here: YES, click here. (Also, enjoy my open cabinets in the background, for your viewing pleasure. I was so excited about this "journal," that I went around opening all of my cabinets while singing show tunes as well as strategically placing my pink plaid backpack on the couch, of course for it to be in this shot.)
ALSO I managed to finish the nautical flags for our aforementioned themed living room I was painting! Acrylic on canvas, the flags spell out the name my husband and I share...I'm debating on whether or not to add two more flags, one on either side (once the go on the wall) for each of our initials. I'll get a pic up once they are in place on the wall.
I'm currently in progress of obtaining my teaching certificate in elementary education (oh, dear...) hence my going to school AFTER obtaining my Bachelor's degree in something completely different last spring. If I'm lucky, I will complete this task before The Mission's end date. Then you can all trust me to teach yer chilran how too spel and dew grammarz::: az wel az mathes?!